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Retirement Planning

“What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up – Again?” We like to ask this question of our clients when considering retirement planning. It brings into focus the fact that retirement planning today has taken on many new dimensions that never had to be considered by earlier generations. One of the things we help clients to understand, regardless of age, is that our current understanding of retirement needs to change. People are living longer, and a person who turns 65 today could be expected to live as many as 20 years or more in retirement. For younger generations, retirement can be expected to last even longer.

While longer life spans have created a number of new financial challenges that need to be taken into consideration when planning for our clients, there is also a significant shift in attitude and expectation when it comes to how people want to spend their time later in life. It is very possible our clients may want to consider some or even all of these activities during retirement: travel, start a new career, go back to school, start a new business, start a charity organization, split extended time amongst children and grandchildren, write a book, etc…

Longevity Increases the Need for Retirement Income Planning

Working with you to design a rewarding retirement phase in your life is a key focus of our planning efforts.

Depending on prevailing economic environments, we will also need to consider innovative approaches to provide guaranteed lifetime income in addition to income tax optimization. Using the tools and strategies available to us, we want to ensure that our clients do not outlive their money while also providing them the lifestyle they desire.

While developing the key elements of your retirement plan, we will consider control and flexibility as two main “themes.” We will carefully plan how your assets are invested, how your assets are protected, and how your assets are taxed. By weaving these strategies of control and flexibility into the fabric of your retirement plan, we want to maintain and grow purchasing power to help support your future lifestyle, in spite of taxes and inflation.