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College Planning at Reviresco Wealth Advisory

It is well documented that the cost of college and post-graduate education is rising much faster than the rate of inflation, and more importantly, much faster than the rise in salaries for families who wish to help their children address college costs. In fact, after buying a home, the cost of higher education for children can represent one of the largest financial milestones in a family’s financial life.

There are many tools and resources to help address the rising costs for higher education. Proper college planning today requires much more than simply contributing to a 529 education fund. This is simply college saving. Proper college planning involves balancing the art of helping your child find and get accepted into the right schools, with the science of funding college costs without sacrificing other key elements of your overall financial plan.

Reviresco College Planning

At Reviresco Wealth Advisory, we believe so strongly in the importance of college planning, and its potential for significant financial impacts on households with college bound students, that we started Reviresco College Planning, a standalone service to help families navigate the complex world of college planning today.

When the time is right, we work closely with families in these three ways:
  • Help the kids find a good academic, social and financial fit for college, and help position them to get accepted.
  • Help the family efficiently fund college costs by properly positioning assets and finding advantageous ways to address tuition.
  • Help parents fund college without sacrificing their retirement.