Maxwell Clan


/re.viˈres.ko/, [rɛ.viˈrɛs.kɔ]

Our name is rooted in the deep Scottish traditions of the Maxwell Clan. The clan crest reflects the strong and protective traditions of the Maxwell’s, while the motto, “Reviresco” gave us a great vision for the culture of our firm. “To Grow, Flourish, Strengthen and become Anew” provides a great theme for the service we strive to offer our clients in strengthening their financial lives.


We are an Independent, Fee-Based, Fiduciary firm based in San Diego, dedicated to providing strategic wealth management services based on fiduciary standards. From the Latin word, “Fiducia,” meaning trust, our responsibilities require us to act for the benefit of the person to whom we owe fiduciary services - our clients. We must always act for the best interests of our clients above all else.

Core Belief: The best way we can help improve your financial situation is to find money you are losing un-knowingly and unnecessarily. We prefer to use those dollars “found” to help you solidify your financial future in order to hopefully avoid impacting your current lifestyle. We believe there is more to gain by avoiding unnecessary losses than by simply chasing rates of return.

The firm leverages its independence to research unique ways to manage clients’ investment risk without sacrificing potential returns. We use an educational approach to teach investors how to reduce investment fees, how to control tax-brackets in retirement and how to maximize legacy to loved ones.

We stress to everyone that successful financial and retirement outcomes are absolutely dependent on having a responsive living financial plan in place. We like to remind everyone, “Your financial plan is the benchmark.”  




The driving mission of this firm is to apply our core beliefs to your specific situation. We believe the best way to improve your future financial success is to help find money you are losing unknowingly and unnecessarily. This could mean adjusting how you are being taxed, understanding what fees you are paying, looking at how you are putting your discretionary funds to work. or how you are saving for the future. We prefer to optimize those recovered “lost” dollars to help improve your overall financial efficiency, while avoiding impacts to your current lifestyle. We believe there is more to gain by avoiding unnecessary losses than by simply chasing rates of return.

Reviresco Wealth Advisory works as a trusted partner on your journey to understand, realize, and live your highest potential. Our clients can expect a friendly, family-like atmosphere where they know they can always find a team of people with a sincere, honest, and objective commitment to their best interest.

We are excited about what we do because we feel that conventional approaches to financial planning have led people to feel paralyzed by fear, confusion, skepticism, frustration, and information overload. We believe we can do better! We are passionate about serving our clients, pushing ourselves to challenge the status-quo, and developing innovative solutions that help people reconsider how to best achieve long-term wealth.


Our Process

Strengthening your financial life is not a one-time event. It requires the development and implementation of a living financial plan that is cyclical in nature, adjusting in response to different life events that unfold and you approach and enter retirement.

Once you have been brought onboard as a client, and after the implementation of your initial plan, the ongoing monitoring and adjustment is where we add long-term value to you.

In order to add value as your trusted partner, strengthening your financial life requires the development and implementation of a living - comprehensive financial plan that is cyclical in nature. The initial phases of our process involves discovery, and ensuring that our relationship will be mutually beneficial.

When planning for our clients, we will always give primary focus to how their assets are invested, how their assets are taxed, responsive asset allocation to meet their changing risk profile, and maximizing choice for accessing assets at different milestones in their lives – major purchases, marriage, children, education, travel, retirement, business activities, etc. By basing our recommendations on the strategies of control and flexibility, we also recognize the underlying goal to maintain and grow purchasing power for current and future lifestyle in spite of taxes and inflation.

We focus on key financial “pillars” when developing and implementing our plans, carefully analyzing available solutions to see how these pillars might be addressed based on each household’s unique needs and goals. Below is a list of the financial pillars we consider the foundation to a strong financial plan.  

  • Investment Risk Management
  • Life Insurance
  • Retirement Planning
  • College Planning
  • Health/Medical Insurance
  • Liquidity
  • Estate Planning
  • Charitable Giving


Ian Maxwell

Founder & CEO
Independent Fiduciary Fee-Based Financial Advisor

Ian Maxwell is the founder and CEO of Reviresco Wealth Advisory, an Independent Fee-Based Fiduciary firm based in San Diego. The firm leverages its independence to research unique ways to manage client’s investment risk without sacrificing potential returns. Ian believes that while financial and retirement planning challenges are significantly shifting, conventional approaches have left people of all ages feeling paralyzed by skepticism, frustration, and information overload. He believes that as an industry, we can do better. Ian’s ultimate goal is to show investors how successful financial and retirement outcomes are absolutely dependent on having a dynamic living financial plan in place. He emphasizes this by reminding people, “Your financial plan is the benchmark.” Ian is a graduate of Williams College, a former Officer in the United States Marine Corps, and has lived in the greater San Diego area since 1983.

SEC Licenses: Series 6, Series 63, Series 65
CA Life Licensed: #0H59466