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Bradley Nelson, CFP®

Financial Planning

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Brad Nelson has been a financial planner since 2018 and holds his CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (CFP®) professional certification. Using values and goals as his guides, he develops financial plans with detailed recommendations to improve clients’ likelihood of reaching their goals. As a CFP® professional, he must act in the best interests of the client and comply with the CFP® Board’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct. Prior to serving as a financial planner, he worked in the government, military and private sector as an engineer. He holds a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering, a Master of Science in electrical engineering and is a licensed professional engineer. He served in the military as submariner and retired as a Captain in the Navy Reserve. When he’s not helping clients, he spends time with his wife Heather on personal fitness, sailing and old cars.

Our Team

Our team commits to tireless collaboration to get your entire financial house in order, so you can grow, flourish, strengthen and become anew.

We are dedicated to your success. We hold ourselves accountable to keep you on track to your goals, to be proactive on all financial matters, and to help you make smarter financial decisions at every milestone.

Ian Maxwell

Founder & CEO

Rodney Couts

Tax Planning

Dave Paz

Protection & Insurance Planning

Strazzeri Mancini

Estate Planning